Is it a sin to steal a church talent show? Cuz if it is, I know four little talents who are headed straight for the fourth ring of H-E-double hockey sticks after tonight’s The Waters’ Got Talent show!
Claudia and Molly both got on the program at the last minute. Their cousins Ben and Emma had played by the rules and were lined up weeks ago. No matter. When the curtains pulled open, all four were primed and ready.
First up was Ben. The program said he was going to perform a trombone rendition of Rock ‘n’ Roll Is Here to Stay. I asked him beforehand if he’d practiced and he just gave me this totally cool look like I’d just insulted him. No practicing, he was totally just riffing. Which is probably why his five-minute freestyle jam rambled on to the point where it started to feel like the drum solo from In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida. Awesome.
Next came Emma, who played the piano. Unfortunately she’s sort of small (not for her age, she’s really tall for her age) and the music stand was sort of large and the stage was sort of high and it all combined to make sure that we could see just about none of Emma. (Which is tragic, because she’s really cute. I’ve included a picture of her here so you can see that I’m totally serious. She’s an adorable kid.) We could see part of one leg. And it wasn’t even the leg in the cast so that we could truly verify that it was really her up there. I’m pretty sure it was though.
Later in the show, Claudia took the stage. By force. She busted out a little Shee Hyung Bo – the latest form she’s been working on with her bo – loud and proud. It was intimidatingly cool. She was strong, confident and nothing could stop her…until she busted up her ankle on the playground afterward. She’s icing it in bed right now to see if the swelling goes down. I’ll keep you posted.
Then, once the crowd was worked up to a fevered pitch, they brought in Molly and her self-taught gymnastics as the grand finale. She flipped, stretched, bent and kicked her way into the hearts of everyone. She probably would have won the coveted iTunes gift card for her age group if she hadn’t included the distracting bit at the end with that stumbling doofus. Talk about a buzzkill.
That was it. That was our evening. And everyone but Erin enjoyed it immensely. (She’s 17 and contractually obligated to hate just about everything. – especially things that might cause her to be late for the first couple minutes of Law & Order SVU. [If you miss the opening dun-dung, you’re lost for the whole episode.])
One special shout out to Bear and his free-form, on-stage performance art. He drew a picture on stage while we all watched, so it was almost like THIS, only totally different. Way to go, Bear!
PS. Mom, click here for video.
Thanks for the shout out Greg!
Posted by: Simply Dawn | 05/20/2010 at 08:38 PM