Went to a wedding today (Corinne's sister Rochelle and her fiance Sam). Pretty standard stuff, for the most part. Dog interrupted the ceremony. Sister-in-law took a football to the side of the head. Boys were hitting each other with dress socks filled with sand. You know the drill.
But one exceptionally ultra-cool thing was the accent on the guy who performed the ceremony. I'm not sure if I can precisely define it. (I'm lucky if I can separate Cockney from Australian.) It was somewhere in that British family though. It was almost a Terry Gilliam voice, so you kind of got the lurking suspicion that this whole scene was about to devolve into a Monty Python sketch. But in a good way.
And it kind of got me thinking. If I were to give up writing and go into the justice of the peace business, I would absolutely start working on a cool accent (French Canadian? Scottish? Pakistani? Whatever accent it was that Peter Cook was working in Princess Bride?...). Because, if you're getting married and you're checking out your JOP options (or "JOPtions", for those of us in the biz), you're totally gonna go for the guy with the kick-ass accent. They're just fun to listen to.
HeHeHe his fly was down, we made Tristan tell him. HAHAHAHA!
Posted by: josie | 05/17/2010 at 09:34 PM