First up, I’d like to thank my readers (both of you) for being either a much more tolerant or a much more apathetic lot than some of those encountered by my friend Alex.
I don’t want to go into the complications this discussion has triggered and the ways it’s hurting Alex, his wife and their kids – that’s not mine to share. But I think it’s fair to say that there’s been a swift and decisive backlash. And that backlash has come from devoutly Christian corners.
And I just don’t get it.
Maybe part of the difficulty lies in two admitted (unresearched) assumptions I’m working with.
- Homosexuality is a state of being, rather than simply a choice. The video in my earlier post did a great job of exploring this. But, basically, up until now, my assumption on this issue has been driven by the simple question, “Who the hell would choose to put up with this BS?” (Though I’ll admit that I do believe there are plenty of people who experiment. And I’ll admit that I totally don’t get that. So, for the sake of this discussion, I’m talking about unwavering homosexuality.)
- (I’m going to get in trouble on this one.) I believe that the Bible is the divinely inspired Word of God… But I also believe that each of those books was written down by some guy – some guy who was totally capable of error and failure. Twenty years of proofreading and editing have taught me how possible that is. And let’s also not forget that before the books of the Bible were books, they each spent hundreds of years as oral traditions. Oral traditions? Am I the only one who remembers the Telephone Game from elementary school? We couldn’t even get, “The grey bunny hops at midnight,” from one side of the room to the other over 15 minutes. And you’re saying that no errors, edits or transpositions were made over hundreds of years? I do remain totally open to the miraculous interpretation that God physically guided the hands and tongues of each of those early scribes and preachers. But I’m guardedly cynical.
When it comes to homosexuals within a Christian context, the more liberal pastors I’ve listened to are very welcoming – except, as with all things homosexual, there’s always a butt. (Sorry, that was juvenile. Couldn’t help myself!) When you ask if a person can be homosexual and Christian, the immediate response is, “Yes, absolutely! But...”
The fine print is, “As long as they’re repentant of their sins and on the road to fighting that temptation.”
Bottom line, for me, I guess is that I’m totally on board with the idea that we’re all broken and in need of grace. We all come up short. And the definition of “all” means homosexuals are included with the rest of us brokens.
But can’t they just be broken like the rest of us – by their greed, by their promiscuous lusts, by their sloth, by their pride…? If God is love, I have a tough time telling someone, “Your love damns you.”
Just doesn’t sound Christian to me.
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